Monday, 25 August 2008
Take off.. Odlot...
"Press" information - my phone number is off now.. and forever :)
Sunday, 24 August 2008
pare otrzymanych slow.. :)) some words from You..
"So, now this is the final line before the big adventure! One year in another continent. You will come back full of smiles, colours and music of the jungle! ;-)"
"Badz szczesliwa, odkrywaj piekno i magie zycia w kazdej sekundzie."
"Nice, interesting and admirable task you are going to face! Once more I would like to encourage you for what you are doing.
All my best"
"Things done with the heart always go in the right sense."
"o kurka (zeby nie przeklinac..hihihi)
az mnie ciary przeszly jak czytalam twoj list
jest to decyzja, ktora napewno odbije sie na twoim zyciu (...)
ale wierze
ale wierze, ze sobie poradzisz..naprawde!!! wierze w to!!!
bo co jak co, ale my mamy determinacje w dazeniu do celu ;-) wyznaczamy cel i go poprostu osiagamy...takie juz jestesmy ;-)"
"hiya jolka! :-)
just wanted to wish you all the best before you go. i'll be following you in
your blog of course, although my polish still isn't anywhere near advanced level :-(
so yes, take care, good luck and be strong. i'm sure it's going to be an amazing
experience that you'll remember your whole life.
"remember always always that 1 person only have 1 life only can live 1 and once
so PLEASE go to Africa and give your love that are a lot to this people
that dont have nothing and just a smile to them its already a lot :)
i have a big big admiration for people that do it i really have."
"Odzywaj się często"
"be good and self-confident" !!!